Michael R. Guerin
District 4 Commissioner
Carroll County, MD USA

We are overdue for a serious conversation about our future. Not another esoteric discussion or expensive consulting group study. It is time to prioritize and make tangible changes because if everything is important nothing is. In recent years the county has experienced significant revenue growth but also chosen to expand budgets well beyond that. Taxing citizens to fill gaps would be simply be wrong.
-9 January 2024 "State of the County"

Father and husband. Married for over 25 years with three children.
South Carroll High School (Class of '87). Graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where he competed four years as a NCAA Division I swimmer. University of Maryland School of Public Affairs, Masters of Public Policy (M.P.P).
Commissioned as a 2LT and served in the US Army Reserve and US Coast Guard, and later as operations and intelligence officer. Member: American Legion Post 191 (Mt. Airy).
Elected District 4 Carroll County Commissioner in November 2022. Carroll County Emergency Services Advisory Committee (2022-present). Maryland Opioid Senior Policy Group (2022). Rotating ex officio; Carroll County Board of Education (2022). Member - Republican Club of Carroll County.
Life-long Republican that served four years on the Carroll County Republican Central Committee and candidate for the MD House of Delegates (2002). District Captain - Convention of States (2020-2022). American Legion Boy's State (1986).
Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission (2004-2008) where he played a role in the implementation of adequacy standards to manage growth, and prepare comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, and subdivision regulations to guide development.